12/6/24 Statewide Child Care Update
CO Minimum Wage Increases January 2025
New increases are coming statewide and in various localities.

Check PDIS! Has staff updated their information so that they qualify for the tax credit?
If you plan to apply for the Early Childhood Educator Tax Credit, please take a moment to make sure you have your social security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) in your PDIS profile. Go to your Profile Settings page in the My Account menu to see if you already have this saved to your account.
A few key tips:
- If you see asterisks (*********) in either of these fields, it means you’ve already entered this information and nothing else is needed on your part. We mask these fields for privacy and security.
- You need either an SSN or ITIN, but not both.
- The Colorado Department of Revenue uses these to process the tax credit. If you do not have one of these fields completed, it may result in a delay in the processing of your tax credit.
- See this How-to Guide for step-by-step directions on how to update your profile information.

Costs of child care vary widely between states as differing regulations burden providers.
Childcare Regulation Index in the States: 1st Edition
Jeffco School Board approves sale of three closed schools
Characteristics and Work Experiences of Licensing Staff in Child Care and Early Education
Early Childhood Council of Boulder County creates Access to Opportunity Fund
Voters approve lodging taxes for child care in City of Montrose, La Plata and Grand counties
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State chemist manipulated data, impacting thousands of water samples, docs say
Minimum Wage Increases for 2025

Colorado and local minimum wages adjust annually. See INFO #1 (wage law), #3C (tips), and #19 (local minimums) on their Guidance page(opens in new window), and their Local Minimum Wage Report(opens in new window).

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