8/29/24 ECEA Child Care Update for ALL Programs

See the state plan if they are awarded the PDG B-5 Renewal Grant that is to be announced mid September.

Nearly 60% of baby foods in the U.S. don't meet nutritional guidelines, study says
Progressive tax plans falter on first day of Colorado’s special session - The Colorado Sun
'Sloth fever' with Zika-like symptoms spreads to US, CDC warns
Parvovirus or ‘slapped cheek disease’ is on the rise, CDC warns: Here’s what to know
Insecure attachment to fathers linked to increased mental health issues and alcohol use
Gen Z Is Taking More Sick Days, Redefining Time Off From Work - Business Insider
State “enterprises” bypass TABOR, fuel state spending growth | News | coloradopolitics.com
Most Head Start teachers to see $10,000 salary jump under new HHS rule
Head Start/Early Head Start Family Child Care Homes Participating in CCCAP. Federal Rule Change that Impacts Experienced and Large Homes.

FCCH providers doing Head Start or Early Head Start are limited to the 1:6 ratio. To operate an Experienced or Large license if they accept CCCAP, they would need a second staff when the 7th child arrives. We confirmed this with CDEC. The rule would amend that performance standards.

Federal Register :: Public Inspection: Supporting the Head Start Workforce and Consistent Quality Programming
HHS Strengthens Head Start by Requiring Higher Wages for Staff | HHS.gov
Interactive State Cost of Quality Calculator
How does CCCAP determine rates? --It's complicated but we've got the details for you
See the slides and spreadsheets here: https://www.coloradoecea.org/post/cccap-info-fiscal-estimates-and-formula-explanations

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Contact dawn@coloradoecea.org to discuss your questions/concerns.