8/9/24 ECEA Child Care Update for everyone!

Child care providers experience high levels of anxiety and depression

Register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvdeCuqTwoEt2mDuBrBhV-9nXW9xlCipLo#/registration
The launch webinar will take place on Tuesday, August 27th from 1:00-2:00 pm. Register here:

As chair of governors association, Jared Polis wants to dig into education and the workforce
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Task force investigating Colorado's child Welfare System
New Case Study: Boosting Social-Emotional Outcomes and Teacher Retention
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This message is to inform you of a service outage recently experienced with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s (CDPHE) Online Immunization Education Module. Specifically, the outage began July 18, 2024 and only impacted the module’s electronic form, which is used to generate a Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption upon completion of the online course. The issue has now been resolved.
In response to the multiday outage, CDPHE created a temporary Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption approved for use exclusively during the service outage period. Schools and child care facilities may accept completed temporary Certificates of Nonmedical Exemption as valid during the outage period from July 18, 2024 through July 25, 2024.
If this has impacted you, contact the CIIS School Coordinator at cdphe_ciis_schools@state.co.us for what is needed to accept the temporary certificate!
CDPHE has a new newsletter for the child care industry that can be found here:

The Early Childhood Education Association of Colorado (ECEA) is a statewide 501c(6) Trade Association who's sole purpose is to support the child care industry with a primary voice for private providers. The work that we do benefits all licensed programs and any licensed program can join!
We provide:
Administrative advocacy (specific situations for members and on an industry level).
Legislative advocacy, moving issues forward in the legislature to make an everyday difference for you and your business.
Weekly updates that include industry information relevant to you. Information will be broken out for members and non-members.
Coaching and business consulting.
Value added service providers that pass on savings to you.
Our Colorado Pyramid Model Training is cost effective for everyone ($350) but for our members...they get a guarantee. If a staff member quits while taking the training, we provide them with a credit for another staff member within the year.
We also offer: Compliance trainings, Infant/Toddler Orientation Trainings.
Statewide Director's Roundtable, UPK Cohort and soon an Owners Forum.
Ability to attend the annual ECEA Leadership conference in the spring each year with a registration.
You can find more information at: www.coloradoecea.org