Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS)

How to continue the work without new PDG funds?
Want to build models internally instead of fully relying on vendors. Feel they’ve learned enough from working with OEDIT to do this function.
Names/address matching for children - no social security numbers - can deduplicate children through an internal matching system. System has an 80% match rate. The more data the higher the confidence rate.
Data sets leveraged is from services provided. Layers to remove identification. Have to convince systems to engage. Have to articulate the need and the benefit of the work. In the future, parents that sign up for UPK agree to have their data used for specific purposes.
Classrooms - broad definition for future state
It is in statute that the ECLC will engage with the data governance framework. Quarterly updates to the Governor can be made available publicly.
No sustainable funding source for this project yet.
$1m a year to have this. Generally takes 5-10 years for it to be working.