ECEA Child Care Update 1/10/25

The Breaking of an Industry
The Breaking of an Industry
ECEA presents this paper after extensive work with community based programs. We've met with CDEC and have had initial conversations about the recommendations outlined in the paper. They are very willing to meet with a stakeholder group of licensed providers to understand and implement changes to ensure safety but also to help the industry sustain. Here are the critical links for the document:

CDEC Budget Amendments
Additional funds for CCCAP and for UPK are being requested. $10 M more for CCCAP to offset some of the federal mandates. $3.3 M more for UPK.

Nearly 20% of UPK Children do not get their first choice when matched.
The number is 18.1% to be exact. Make sure you are getting your child care families enrolled into your UPK slots directly!

Help us out!
Fill out this survey and let ECEA know what you need from a membership organization!

Colorado child care workers, may be eligible for the $1200 refundable Care Worker Tax Credit.
Here’s how to qualify for the tax credit:
- Register in the Colorado Shines Professional Development Information System (PDIS)
- Provide child care for at least 720 hours during 2025 (January-December) to children who are five years of age or younger as an employee or operator of a licensed child care center, preschool, or family child care home.
- Have an adjusted gross income less than or equal to $75,000 as a single filer or $100,000 as a joint filer (if you are married and file taxes together).
- File your Colorado tax return in 2026. You do not have to make any money providing child care to qualify.

Right Sizing Child Care Regulation: Crafting Standards that Encourage Supply and Protect Children (ECE Policy)
CO Parents: Here's What to Know about signing up for free preschool for 2025 (UPK)
Denver and Arapahoe Counties Freeze Enrollment for Low-Income Childcare Program (Regional ECE)
Parents are quitting jobs, passing on raises — to qualify for child care assistance (Misc)
Mountain Towns Tap Tourist to Help Build Stable Workforce (Regional ECE)
How a Colorado Early Learning Center Serves a Diverse Group of Families (ECE Programs)
Report: Homelessness in Colorado increased 30% in 2024 (Economy)
What it takes to be in Colorado's top 1% (Economy)
CO Suspends Water Testing After Accusing Another Chemist of Data Manipulation (Misc.)
The Fastest Growing (and shrinking U.S. Counties) (Economy and Politics)

Mandatory Reporting Task Force Final Reports
ECEA participated in this Task Force for two years to ensure that the child care industry voice would be heard with regards to Mandated Reporter requirements. This report will be submitted to the state legislature for recommendation review and move towards systems improvement as they begin the authorization and implementation process of the report details. Most relevant to you: new recommendations request the state to establish an online form that you complete and it will tell you whether or not you need to report your situation to the county. It would provide you with a document to print, proving that you followed the required procedure if you did not report an incident to the county.
Final Report: https://coloradocpo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/CPO-MRTF-report.pdf
Summary Report: https://coloradocpo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/CPO-MRTF-snapshot.pdf

Reminder: Immunization Reporting DUE January 23, 2025
School and child care immunization data reporting Required school and child care immunization data reporting for the 2024-2025 school year closes on Jan. 23, 2025. In early January, the Reporting Application had a technical issue that did not allow some reporters to submit their immunization data. Due to this problem, CDPHE has 2 extended the reporting deadline to January 23 to ensure schools and child cares who were attempting to report their data during this timeframe can be successful. Communication was sent in November and January to remind schools and child cares to report their data for this school year. The data you submit to CDPHE will be published on the College/University, school, and child care immunization data dashboard sometime this spring or early summer. Questions? Email cdphe_school_immunizationreporting@state.co.us.

If you have 15 or more children, serve meals and use a food service delivery company then this program is for you. If you are NOT a part of a national provider network then THIS is the way to SAVE a TON of money.
What are you waiting for? Fill out this interest form today and start saving!! https://forms.gle/egbhJ8LpjrxkvWX8A